ARTS AND CULTURE: This Committee may make luncheon centerpieces and decorations at the request of the luncheon chair.The committee also plans and executes other craft projects during the year including wreath decorating with seniors at an assisted living facility; many articles that can be sold to members such as gift card holders, candy, etc. They also introduce the club to local Art and Cultural events.
CHARITABLE GIVING: Members submit requests to donate money to their favorite local charity. This Committee reviews all requests and five to seven are approved each year. This Committee also funds continuing charities, such as Girl Career Institute, Community House Christmas Fund, Spring Lake Library and Fire Departments.
COMMUNICATIONS: This Committee works on the newsletter, publicity, sunshine, website, photography and telephone/email notification to members.
Newsletter:The Chairperson is responsible for a newsletter, issued two times a year detailing important issues and upcoming events.The newsletter is available online.
Publicity:This Chairperson coordinates with chairs and officers to publicize all the events of the Club in local newspapers.By publishing articles/photo ops, the public is made aware of the Club’s efforts.
Sunshine : This Chairperson sends get well cards to members and notes of sympathy to the grieving families of our members.
Telephone/email : This group communicates important information and announcements to Club members via our telephone and email lists.
Website and Instagram: This group creates, designs, and updates our website and Instagram as needed.The website includes historical and current information of the club.It contains descriptions of each department, lists of charities, current and past events, and many photos.Applicants for the Scholarship Program use the site for information and forms.
ENVIRONMENT: Members participate in:
Ocean Beach Sweeps in conjunction with Clean Ocean Action Organization to clean Spring Lake beach
Achievement Day where winners are recognized at the district and state levels
The Golden Broom Award where an award is given to a local business or organization for property maintenance and attractive facade.
EDUCATION AND LIBRARIES: This department encourages members to read and mentor children in our schools.They also work closely with town libraries by donating books and assisting with programs.The department also helps in the selection of delegates to attend the Girls Career Institute (GCI) held at Douglas College each June.
EVENING MEETINGS: This forum allows working members to participate in our meetings.Meetings time begin at 7 PM every third Wednesday of the month at the Duggan Hall, 309 Washington Ave., Spring Lake. NJ or as noted.Our mission is to the community and fundraising for several non-profit organizations based on the members’ recommendations and annual fundraising initiatives.
FEDERATION: The New Jersey State Federation of Women's Clubs (NJSFWC), the largest volunteer women's service organization in the state and a member of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, provides opportunities for education, leadership training, and community service through participation in local clubs, enabling members to make a difference in the lives of others, one project at a time.
HEALTH AND WELLNESS: This department raises funds for a selected charity as well as collecting and distributing items for specific organizations, such as Project Night-Night, Monmouth SPCA, Breast Oasis and Lion’s Club. There is also a weekly walking club for members.
HOSPITALITY: This Committee cheerfully welcomes our members each month and takes attendance. Our gracious hostesses provide delicious refreshments at each meeting.
HISTORY: History helps us learn who we are. The Historian informs the club about the achievements of women in all facets of life – science, community, government, literature, art, sports, medicine. The Historian and her committee maintain a record of milestones of the club.
LITERATURE 1 and 2: This literary group 1 meets monthly after reading a mutually agreed upon books. The discussion that follows is lively, thought provoking and often leads to members sharing stories and experiences with other members. The literary group 2 meets once a month at Duggan Hall on Thursdays.
MEMBERSHIP: This committee organizes and provides all the information for a new member to join.Any woman who resides in the surrounding area is invited to join.Applicants must have two sponsors who are members of the Club for one year.
CIVIC ENGAGEMENT AND OUTREACH: This committee provides information about local causes in and near the community that are of interest to the membership.They offer support for various organizations such as veterans groups and local food pantries by organizing collection drives for needed items especially around the holidays. They also encourage monetary support from the Club for local charities.
SCHOLARSHIP: This committee performs various tasks to determine the winners of scholarships offered by the Club.The scholarships are presented to female high school seniors and to returning women.This is our largest fundraising endeavor of the year, often raising over $10,000 for scholarships. For the year 2021-2022 we raised $20,000 thanks to our generous donors.
SCHOLARSHIP LUNCHEON: This committee plans and runs the fall luncheon which is the Club’s biggest fundraiser of the year.They are responsible for all the aspects of this event:determining the venue, working with that venue to plan the day, and procuring prizes for the raffles.The money raised from this event enables high school seniors and returning women to continue their education.
SPECIAL STATE PROJECT: This two-year project is chosen by the NJSFWC with the input of local clubs.Currently the project is support for The Emmanuel Cancer Foundation.
WAYS AND MEANS: This Committee organizes and schedules fundraising events for members to attend.Past trips include going to the Hudson Valley, Atlantic City, the theater, museums or dinners. They partner with the Greater Spring Lake Chamber of Commerce to have bake sales at the Irish and Italian festivals in town.
YEARBOOK: The Second-Vice President is responsible for generating the Club yearbook.Each year the yearbooks are sent to the printer with revisions and the new yearbook is distributed to Club members as well as the Shore District Chairperson.
KNIT WITS: A group of members who knit and crochet blankets and hats to provide comfort for children who are in need due to trauma illness. One year we volunteered more than 2000 hours and completed 66 blankets and over 100 hats.They were distributed through Project Linus NJ to hospitals, homeless shelters, and other social agencies.A strong sense of community and sharedcamaraderie are also an important part of our commitment.