Nancy Pugliese - President INSTALLED BY: Randi Quilici - NJ State Federation of Women's Club
First Vice President -Kathleen Bagldey Second Vice President - Maureen Cooney Treasurer - Nancy Zavoluk Assistant Treasurer - Susan Valentini Federation Secretary - Kathleen Reddick (not pictured) Mary Rottino - Director |
Officers installed - 2019
Mary Rottino - President ( Not pictured) INSTALLED BY: Joyce Andaloro - Federation Secretary First Vice President - Nancy Pugliese (Not pictured) Second Vice President - Kathleen Bagley (Far right) Treasurer - Maureen Cooney (Not picture) Assistant Treasurer - Laraine DeFilippi (Not pictured) Pictured L to R Director - Sue Luterzo Director - Mary Tetro Recording Secretary - Lucille Jarman Financial Secretary - Darlene Cecich Historian - Jacqueline Zurla Assistant Corresponding Secretary - Virginia Church Corresponding Secretary - Kathleen Dittman Assistant Recording Secretary - Janet Kenny Recording Secretary - Lucille Jarmon Parliamentarian - Lucille Caserio (not pictured) Federation Secretary - Joyce Andaloro (not pictured) |